Scripture We believe that the Holy Scriptures (66 books of the Old and New Testaments) are verbally [every word] and plenarily [completely] inspired by God. (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:20-21) The Word of God is not only to be the basis for knowledge of doctrine, but also for personal application of doctrine. We are to live out what is taught in God’s Word. (Matthew 7:24-27; James 1:22-25) The Holy Scriptures are the basis for our doctrine and practice. God We believe there is one Triune God. (Isaiah 44:6; James 2:19) God consists of three distinct persons (Trinity): God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) These are equal in all attributes and deity. God has always been and will always be. (Psalm 90:1-2) He is the Creator of the universe (Genesis 1:1). God is holy (Isaiah 57:15), sovereign (Romans 11:33-36), omnipresent (Jeremiah 23:24; Proverbs 15:3), omnipotent (Matthew 19:26) and omniscient (Isaiah 40:28). Jesus We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is part of the Triune God. He is equal to God. (John 1:1; 10:30) We believe Jesus, who in obedience to His Father (John 6:38), took on humanity, and came to earth to complete our spiritual redemption (I Timothy 1:15). Jesus Christ lived a sinless life (I Peter 2:21-22), went to the cross, bore our sin (Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:24), died, and rose again the third day (I Corinthians 15:1-4), conquering sin (I Corinthians 15:55-57). We believe Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead, ascended to Heaven (Acts 1:9-10) and is at the right hand of God the Father (Acts 2:32-33). He is currently making intercession (I Timothy 2:5) for His children. Church We believe in the local New Testament church, founded by Jesus Christ. It is a “called out” body of believers that meets on a regular basis. We believe the purpose of the church is to bring glory to God through the proclamation of the gospel, administration of the ordinances, edification of its members, discipleship of new believers and evangelization of the nations.
Our Story
Ridgewood Baptist Church The history of the Ridgewood Baptist Church goes back to 1852. It was in that year that a German immigrant by the name of Jeremias Grimmell started a Sunday School for the children who roamed the streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The church then organized on December 24, 1854 in Williamsburg, and was accepted into the fellowship of the Baptist Churches of Brooklyn, New York on January 10, 1855. In 1925 RBC constructed and occupied our Church building on present day Catalpa Ave and 64th Place.
Pastoral & Church Timeline
Jeremias Grimmell (1852-1855)
1852 Started Sunday school
First German Baptist Church of Brooklyn incorporated January 10, 1855